Who is a person/expert on your field that you admire?
Dra Nise da Silveira Dra Nise is the woman i admire although she isn't a psychologic, is medical psychiatrist anti violence from brazil but she worked with psychologic theory's.She was a political prisioner because she had communist books in a period that this was ilegal, in this part of her life she writting a book callled Memórias do Cárcere. The most important part of her life and the reason because i'm really love her, is her work in Centro Psiquiátrico Nacional Pedro II because she figh against the psychiatric violence refusing made lobotomy and electroshock therapy, she apply the art and zooterapia as method to help patients.She wanted that people with mental illnes feel humans again, she wanted that they can to be part of the society. other reason that i aprreciate her it's for the vision about animals, she see in animals a co partner to the therapy and i agreee with that, animals can be the best method to help depress or stress people. Dra Nise it's a ins...